Discover remote video production solutions

June 6, 2023 by Colin Moran, VP of Production Products

Remote video production is not a new concept. However, advances in broadcasting technology have seen media companies transition toward remote production more rapidly. Remote video production solutions have grown in popularity, enhancing operational and cost efficiencies – two key priorities for Tier 1 media, sports, entertainment, and technology companies in today’s market. However, there is still plenty to learn, and moving the lever now will enable companies across the value chain to maximize their potential.

New innovations in video production services

With the professional video production industry rapidly evolving, we are entering an exciting new era for broadcasting. Audiences want more high-quality video across multiple platforms, especially OTT and FAST. We’re also seeing these digital platforms drive a transition toward high-end HDR. Media companies need the infrastructure that allows them to spiderweb their content and stay ahead of the curve. That’s why remote video production has become an increasingly reliable and vital asset for any media business strategy.

The push towards high-end HDR will only continue, creating a need for increased bandwidth and improved connectivity that only internet protocol (IP) networks can provide. Recent advancements have defined interoperability standards that allow media companies to make the switch from traditional SDI (serial digital interface) to IP-based networks.

In addition, REMI video production solutions continue to evolve, eliminating geographical constraints and opening up endless possibilities for content monetization. Advancements in technologies like remote camera operation, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence will continue to make the process even more efficient and accessible.

What to look for in remote video production solutions

Remote video production is increasingly used across the industry and will continue growing to more exciting heights. In order to reap its rewards, media companies looking for remote video production solutions (and those who have already integrated them into their day-to-day strategy) should find a service that offers the following.


Flexibility is not just a buzzword, it is a mission-critical capability that is required to reach audiences across multiple platforms. Many creative video production solutions, such as graphical relays, require flexibility for media companies to produce content successfully. Live sports broadcasts now boast remote announcers who can do their job from any location, another type of flexibility made possible by remote video production technology. Organizations that utilize the flexibility of remote video production services are pivotal today, as this has laid the foundation for how we can experiment with content.


Scalability is another key benefit of remote video production that will continue to be important for years to come. Remote production has enhanced how customers can produce multiple versions of content, whether for sports or other live events. Taking scale to the next level and meeting the needs of increasingly demanding audiences will require the right technology that falls within media companies’ budgets to maximize their ROI.


Driving greater tonnage of content is key to business success. Opting for remote video production solutions can lower barriers to entry even for niche sports, empowering media, sports, entertainment, and technology companies to better scale their broadcast operations. Video production services underpinned by a highly reliable and globally scaled IP multicast distribution network offer the flexibility to create more content with less resources. As a result, media companies are able to bring more curated viewing experiences to global audiences.

The importance of trustworthy remote video production solutions

Remote production can deliver the cost and operational efficiency media companies desire. Professional video production services enable broadcasters, production teams, and service providers to get high-quality content on air with fewer resources and staff, so they can diversify revenue streams and increase efficiency.

However, to get the full benefits, you’ll need a robust, reliable solution that can handle challenges like managing multiple video feeds, ensuring smooth transitions, and adding personalization. Make sure you can trust your video production solution to handle the following.

Feed ingestion

The ability to handle multiple simultaneous feeds without compromising quality or performance is essential. A reliable production solution must be able to ingest feeds from a variety of sources, including cameras, mobile devices, and remote locations, regardless of their format and resolution. This is particularly important for large-scale live events that require multiple camera angles and inputs.

Feed switching

Efficient feed switching is critical for maintaining viewer engagement. The production solution should support quick and smooth transitions between different feeds to capture the best shots and angles. Offering both automated switching based on predefined criteria and manual control for dynamic decision-making can provide flexibility and precision during live broadcasts.

Feed graphics and customization

Feed graphics, which includes text and other visual elements overlaid in real-time, are essential to personalize and customize the final product. Incorporating special effects such as transitions, animations, and augmented reality elements can enhance viewer experience and engagement.

Feed transmission

The increasingly fragmented market means that broadcasters need to transmit more feeds to more locations than ever before. You’ll need a strong IP network with robust transmission protocols and redundancies to ensure low-latency, high-quality feed transmission to many different platforms around the world.

Helping you drive remote video production downstream

It is no secret that remote video production has created many benefits for media organizations, but they’re not unlocked at the flick of a switch. Building and maintaining a complex in-house production infrastructure is costly and time-consuming, so teaming up with the right technology provider is critical.

LTN Arc is a video production solution that helps media companies achieve high-quality content and address the challenges of remote production. LTN Arc allows customers to maintain and convert video and audio signals that they want and need. Customers can scale up content depending on the market’s demands, tap into new markets, engage growing audiences, and drive additional revenue streams.

At LTN, we work to push the envelope in how we are leveraging our remote production product portfolio. Through LTN, customers benefit from a best-in-class tech stack that is perfect for remote production and beyond. Putting trust at the heart of your agenda empowers media, sports, entertainment, and technology companies to be future-ready and remain at the front of the pack. If you’re ready to integrate remote video production solutions into your workflow and thrive in today’s market, contact LTN today.
